Barbara Vignaux, (she/her)

Through her lens of a product designer, Barbara uses art, installation and performance as a method of research and expression to understand and communicate her work, and is keen to collaborate  concretely with actors who take
on different role within the  community she is work with at the moment.

She offers product design service and a scope of visualisation services for the aim fo company and research : 
- Product design 
- Upstream multidisciplinary research (anthropological, historical, inspirational, including benchmark)
- Design Consultation

- Visual identity design
- Creation of inspiring visuals to immerse internal teams 

Additionally she already worked for
a variety of clients from entrepreneur to major
corporations such as L’Oréal, La Monnaie de Paris (Boulle) or Prisma Media, on product design and branding questions. 

Send an email to request a quote and discuss your project!

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COSMEUS, Conceptual inspiration for semantical understanding and Branding

Printed paper, glue
Digital animations

Wonder Open Lab, Prisma Media, 2020
The ambition of Cosmeus is to remove taboos from the divinatory arts.To conceive a divinatory arts service, I made historical and anthropological research to understand the interest of current readers over this millennial knowledge. Then, this preliminary analysis contributed to the creation of a new semantic language of these arts, questioning the defined / indefinite notions.The expression of this language became an inspiration to imagine the interaction between diverse actors of a service. By working with Charlotte Le Gavrian, this structure allowed me to build the brand image.

︎︎︎ Historical and anthropolical research about divinatory arts, presentated at the innovation Lab of Prisma Media, the Wonder Open Lab